A platform for women in the marketplace wherein ideas are exchanged and experiences are shared.

Woman Excel Objective

The main objective is to provide a knowledge base from which women in the market place can draw inspirational testimonies and develop synergies to help them grow from mediocrity to greatness.

woman excel
woman excel Harare
woman excel international 2020
woman excel development bank

Events and Programs

We hold quarterly breakfast and dinner seminars as well as bi annual major conferences. Woman Excel has hosted successful networking meetings since its inception in 2011.

Why should you become a member

Access to loans at reduced rates Access to Business Resource Centre International Travel Tours Discounted cards at selected outlets First Priority to special Luncheons Discounted travel packages Lifestyle packages

Get in Touch

Find us at the office: 146 Kwame Nkrumah, Suite 21 Westminster Court, Harare, Zimbabwe

Give us a ring: 794169 / 253270-1

Our team

Call us 24/7. We are there for your support.
Edna Mukurazhizha
Edna Mukurazhizha

Woman Excel Director

Register online today to receive information and updates on Woman Excel Activities

Woman Excel in detail

Our vision

To create a platform for women in the marketplace wherein they exchange ideas and share experiences of their successes.
woman excel Zimbabwe
woman excel Harare

Our Mission

To provide a knowledge base from which women in the marketplace can draw inspirational testimonies and develop synergies to help them grow from mediocrity into greatness.

Our Objective

The main objective is to provide a knowledge base from which women in the market place can draw inspirational testimonies and develop synergies to help them grow from mediocrity to greatness.
woman excel international
woman excel development bank

Our Core-Values

  • Professionalism
  • Excellence
  • Diversity
  • Spirituality

How do you become a member?

Members pay annual joining fees, which has been set as follows for the year ending 2012 (no pro-rota meaning regardless of the month you join the amount remains the same)

The membership is in 3 levels

Platinum Membership


Per Annum

  • Access to loans
  • Access to Business Resource Centre
  • Mentorship Programs
  • Fly now pay later at cheaper rates
  • Educational International Seminars
  • Market fairs to sell products
  • Discount cards for Platinum members with various retail outlets and restaurants
  • First priority on invitation to special luncheons, dinners and breakfast meetings
  • Discounted Travel Packages
  • Woman Thou Art Loosed Conference
  • Access at all Legacy Lifestyle Hotels and Lodges around Africa
  • Skin Spa discounts
  • Access to THE LOUNGE - Traverze at Harare International Airport
Executive Membership


Per Annum

  • Access to loans
  • Access to Business Resource Centre
  • Mentorship Programs
  • Fly now pay later at cheaper rates
  • Educational International Seminars
  • Market fairs to sell products
  • Discounts at selected outlets and restaurants
  • Invitations to special luncheons, dinners and breakfast meetings
  • Discounted Travel Packages
  • Opportunities to study abroad
General Membership


Per Annum

  • Access to loans
  • Access to Business Resource Centre
  • Mentorship Programs
  • Fly now pay later at cheaper rates
  • Educational International Seminars
  • Market fairs to sell products

Our Blog

woman excel Zimbabwe
woman excel Harare

Woman Excel believes in giving back to the community

Currently, Woman Excel together with Capernaum Trust is running a scholarship program for 40 primary and secondary school girls from vulnerable backgrounds. Woman Excel has sponsored disabled female students from…

Get in Touch

We would be really pleased to hear from you. Give us a call or send an email to book a meeting.
Here for you

Call us 24/7. We are there for your support.

About us

A platform for women in the marketplace wherein ideas are exchanged.

Where to find us

46 Kwame Nkrumah, Suite 21 Westminster Court, Harare, Zimbabwe.

Keep in touch

Woman Excel